-currently unknown-

Signature status currently unknown . Click here for details .
It is currently unknown whether or not the investigations will lead to recalls of the Chrysler models .
The number of dead and rescued is currently unknown , but a search and rescue operation is underway .
He maintains his innocence and his dedication to helping youth , but his whereabouts are currently unknown .
The application 's components also enable users to protect their computers against currently unknown threats and phishing , and to restrict users'access to the Internet .
Behavior-based analysis of currently unknown virus detection methods , necessary to run an executable file can be detected after , can not be detected in static form of computer virus file .
The sequel will pick up right where the last one ended , however this film will focus more on Elastigirl going on her own adventure , while Mr. Incredible stays home to watch Jack-Jack , a baby with currently unknown super abilities .
Chrysler also released a statement saying that it is " awaiting additional information from ( NHTSA ) . The company is prepared to cooperate fully with the investigation . " It is currently unknown whether or not the investigations will lead to recalls of the Chrysler models .